Build web apps with Vibe.d

by learning from a learner

Vibe.d is an app development framework written in the D language. However, I am happy to note that an expert-level knowledge of D is not required to develop apps in Vibe.d. And I am no expert on either D or Vibe.d.

I have used PHP, Ruby on Rails, Java/JSP/servlets, C#/Asp.Net and even Lotus Notes for web development, dabbled in Meteor and React/Node.js, but I like Vibe.d the most. Its simplicity and productivity is simply impressive. And when you deploy, if you made things right, there is only one executable file to deploy. No CLR or JVM to install, no fiddling with Apache config files to launch a library or interpreter.

Vibe.d and its simplicity is even more impressive when compared to the complexity of Spring / Hibernate and the technologies needed just to build a simple application. Yes, Java is fantastic, fantastically complex. The Java language itself isn’t that complex but it is the ecosystem built around it that made things what they are. People cannot get that simplicity is the summit of sophistication: it means the creator(s) labored so hard to make things simple.

I find that there aren’t any drastic changes since the last time I used Vibe.d. That is how it should be. But I also found out there is a dearth of tutorials on Vibe.d. After having to learn Vibe.d again when I realized I forgot so much, I decided to write this tutorial while I was re-learning it.

An older PDF version is freely downloadable here:

and the newer PDF version is here:

Last updated